idyll 也作 i.dyl
A short poem or prose piece depicting a rural or pastoral scene, usually in idealized terms.田园诗:描写农村或畜牧风光的短诗或散文,一般使用理想化的语言A narrative poem treating an epic or romantic theme.民间传说:讲述一个抒情的或浪漫主题的叙事诗A scene or an event of a simple and tranquil nature.田园风光:本质纯朴、宁静的风景或情事
A carefree episode or experience:田园生活:自由自在的经历或插曲:例句:a summer idyll on the coast of France.法国海岸田园诗般的夏季生活
A romantic interlude.田园乐曲,牧歌:一曲浪漫的田园歌曲
来源:Latin odyllium 拉丁语 odyllium from Greek eidullion [diminutive of] eidos [form, figure] * see weid- 源自 希腊语 eidullion [] eidos的小后缀 [形式,图形] *参见 weid-