n.(名词)【复数】 或 in.di.ces [-d-sôz.] Abbr. ind.Something that serves to guide, point out, or otherwise facilitate reference, especially:缩写 ind.索引:一种用以指引、指示或方便寻找资料的东西An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned.索引:按字母顺序排列的人名、地名和印刷品内容名称,并在每个后面注上页码A thumb index.拇指索引A table, file, or catalog.目录:表格目录,文件目录或内容目录Something that reveals or indicates; a sign:表示:具有暗示或揭示作用的东西;信号:例句:.Her face . . . was a fair index to her disposition.(Samuel Butler).她的脸是显示她气质的一个很好的指标.(塞缪尔·巴特勒)
Printing A character (F) used in printing to call attention to a particular paragraph or section.Also called fist ,hand 【印刷术】 指示格:印刷中使用的一个空格(F)以引起人们对某一特定段落或部分的重视也作 fist,handAn indicator or a pointer, as on a scientific instrument.标记,指标:标记或指标符号,如在科学仪器上的
Mathematics A number or symbol, often written as a subscript or superscript to a mathematical expression, that indicates an operation to be performed on, an ordering relation involving, or a use of the associated expression.【数学】 指数,根指数:一个数或符号,多写于数学表达式的下部或上部,表示一个有待完成的计算,或相应的次序关系,或一个相关表达的运用A number derived from a formula, used to characterize a set of data.指数:程式中的一个数字,用以表示一系列数据的性质Index Roman Catholic Church A list formerly published by Church authority, restricting or forbidding the reading of certain books. Index 【罗马天主教】 禁书录:以前由教会权威公布的清单,规定限制或禁止阅读的某些书籍及物动词)in.dexed,, To furnish with an index:为…编索引:编纂一个目录、索引:例句:index a book.将书编索引
To enter in an index.入索引:把…编入索引To indicate or signal.指示:表明或指示To adjust through indexation.修改,调整:运用指数的编程程序来修订
来源:Middle English [forefinger] 中古英语 [食指] from Latin * see deik- 源自 拉丁语 *参见 deik-