NONE(无词性)A river of south-central Asia rising in southwest Tibet and flowing about 3,057 km (,900 mi) northwest through northern India and southwest through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. Its valley was the site of an advanced civilization lasting c. 2500 to 500b.c. 印度河:中南亚的一条河流,发源于西藏西南部,流程约3,057公里(,900英里),向西北流经印度北部,而后折向西南方向流经巴基斯坦后注入阿拉伯海。约公元前 2500年至500年,这条河的河谷曾出现过一个高度发达的人类文明
Indus 2
n.(名词)A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Pavo.Also called Indian 印第安座:位于南天球杜鹃座和孔雀座附近的一个星座也作 Indian
来源:Latin Indus [an Indian] 拉丁语 Indus [印度人] from Greek Indos [the Indus River, an Indian] * see indigo 源自 希腊语 Indos [印度河,印度人] *参见 indigo