n.(名词)Bible 【圣经】 In the Old Testament, Jacob.以色列:在旧约全书中,雅各The descendants of Jacob.雅各的后代Judaism The Hebrew people, past, present, and future, regarded as the chosen people of God by virtue of the covenant of Jacob.【犹太教】 上帝的选民:希伯来民族,希伯来人的过去、现在和将来,被看作是上帝凭借着雅各的契约而选中的民族
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English 源自 古英语 from Latin 源自 拉丁语 from Greek Israôl 源自 希腊语 Israôl from Hebrew yiôr3’ôl 源自 希伯来语 yiôr3’ôl
Israel 2
NONE(无词性)An ancient kingdom of Palestine founded by Saul c. 025b.c. After 933 it split into the Northern Kingdom, or kingdom of Israel, and the kingdom of Judah to the south. Israel was overthrown by the Assyrians in 72. 以色列:古代巴勒斯坦的一个王国,公元前 025年由扫罗建立。933年后它分裂成北部王国,或以色列王国和南部的犹大王国。72年以色列被亚述人推翻 Abbr. Isr.A country of southwest Asia on the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It was created in 948 on recommendation of the United Nations. Discord with its Arab neighbors has led to a number of wars, notably in 95'-957 and 9'7. Israel has occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (the area west of the Jordan River) since 9'7. Jerusalem is the capital and Tel Aviv-Jaffa the largest city. Population, 4,4,400.缩写 Isr.以色列:西南亚的一个国家,位于地中海东岸。948年,在联合国推荐下建立。与其阿拉伯邻国的不和睦而导致了许多战争,特别是在95'-957年和9'7年。自9'7年以来,以色列占领了加沙地区和西岸(约旦河西岸地区)。耶路撒冷是其首都,特拉维夫市是其最大城市。人口4,4,400