Any of several vines or shrubs of the genusJasminum, native chiefly to Asia and having usually compound leaves and white or yellow flowers. Some of the fragrant species are used in making perfume. 茉莉,素馨:一种主要产于亚洲的茉莉属 藤蔓植物或灌木,通常长有复叶、开白色或黄色花。一些芳香的品种可用于制香水 The perfume obtained from these plants.茉莉香料:从此种植物中提炼的香料See Carolina jasmine 参见 Carolina jasmineAny of several plants or shrubs having fragrant flowers.茉莉:任何一种开芳香花朵的灌木Color A light to brilliant yellow.【色彩】 淡黄色,明黄色
来源:French jasmin 法语 jasmin from Old French jassemin 源自 古法语 jassemin from Arabic yasmon 源自 阿拉伯语 yasmon from Persian yasmon, y3sman 源自 波斯语 yasmon, y3sman