Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures that in most vertebrates form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.颚:大部分脊椎动物具有的支持牙齿的骨架,由两块大骨或软骨结构组成The mandible or maxilla or the part of the face covering these bones.颌骨的部分:上颌骨或下颌骨或被脸所掩盖的骨头的一部分Either of two opposed hinged parts in a mechanical device.钳口:机械装置中夹钳相对的两个部分中的一个jaws The walls of a pass, canyon, or cavern. jaws 侧壁:通道、峡谷或大岩洞的侧壁jaws A dangerous situation or confrontation: jaws 危险的境遇:例句:the jaws of death.鬼门关
Slang 【俚语】 Impudent argument or back talk:唠叨或喋喋不休:例句:Don`t give me any jaw.别对我唠叨
A conversation or chat.谈话或闲聊v.intr.(不及物动词)jawed,jaw.ing,jaws 【俚语】 To talk vociferously; jabber.叫喊:喧嚷;吱吱喳喳地叫To talk; converse.谈话;会谈
来源:Middle English jawe, jowe 中古英语 jawe, jowe perhaps from Old French joue [cheek] 可能源自 古法语 joue [面颊]