v.(动词)jerked,,jerks及物动词)To give a sudden quick thrust, push, pull, or twist to.拉、推:给予…猛刺、急推、急扭或猛扭To throw or toss with a quick abrupt motion.急投:以一个快速的意外动作扔或投To utter abruptly or sharply:突然或猛烈地发言:例句:jerked out the answer.突然说出答案
To make and serve (ice-cream sodas, for example) at a soda fountain.在冷饮柜台制作或供应(例如冰淇淋苏打冷饮)v.intr.(不及物动词)To move in sudden abrupt motions; jolt:迅速移动:以突然的意外动作而产生运动;使颠簸前进:例句:The train jerked ahead.火车向前疾驶
To make spasmodic motions:痉挛,抽筋:使间歇性地运动:例句:My legs jerked from fatigue.我的腿因疲劳过度而痉挛
n.(名词)A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.突然的意外动作,如猛拉或扭曲A jolting or lurching motion.摇晃,蹒跚Physiology A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.【生理学】 抽搐,痉挛:突然反射或痉挛的肌肉运动jerks Involuntary convulsive twitching often resulting from excitement. Often used withthe. jerks 抽搐:由于兴奋而不由自主的抽搐颤动。经常与the 连用 Slang A dull, stupid, or fatuous person.【俚语】 愚蠢的人:一个迟钝的、愚蠢的或自满的人Sports A lift in which the weight is heaved overhead from shoulder height with a quick motion.【体育运动】 挺举:一种将重物以很快的速度从肩上举过头顶的体育运动
<常用词组>jerk off 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】
To masturbate.手淫常用词组>来源:[Origin unknown] [来源不明]
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>jerk,snap,twitch,wrench,yank同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to move with a sudden short, quick motion.: 这些动词共有的中心意思是.短促、迅速地运动.: 例句:jerked the rope and broke it;猛地拉断绳子;
例句:a lock snapping shut;锁咯嗒一声锁上;
例句:her mouth twitching with suppressed amusement;她的嘴唇因强忍着不笑而颤抖;
例句:wrenched the stick out of his hand;从他手中夺过手杖;
例句:yanked the door open. 将门猛地拉开
jerk 2及物动词)jerked,,jerks To cut (meat) into long strips and dry in the sun or cure by exposing to smoke.熏肉:把(肉)切成长片晒干或用烟熏制
来源:Back-formation from jerky 2源自 jerky2的逆构词
jerk 3
adj.(形容词)Being or relating to a method of barbecuing meat that has been seasoned and wrapped in leaves of the allspice tree:烤肉的:一种烤肉的方法的或与之有关的,该种方法是将肉用多香果树叶卷住烘烤并用树叶来调味的:例句:jerk chicken; jerk pork.烤鸡;烤猪肉
来源:From jerky 2源自 jerky2