n.Law (名词)【法律】
A certification on an affidavit declaring when, where, and before whom it was sworn.
Middle English [informant under oath, member of a ruling body of a city]
中古英语 [经宣誓提供消息或情报的人,城市统治机构的成员]
from Anglo-Norman [member of a ruling body of a city]
源自 英法语 [城市统治机构的成员]
from Medieval Latin iôr3tus [juror]
源自 中世纪拉丁语 iôr3tus [陪审员,宣誓人]
from past participle of Latin iôr3re [to swear] * see jury
源自 拉丁语 iôr3re的过去分词 [宣誓] *参见 jury