n.Hinduism (名词)【印度教】 One of the manifestations and cult titles of the wife of Shiva and mother goddess Devi, especially in her malevolent role as a goddess of death and destruction, depicted as black, red-eyed, blood-stained, and wearing a necklace of skulls.时母:湿婆神(大自在天)的妻子及村庄女神所宣称及崇拜的神祇名称之一,尤其是她身为死亡及破坏女神邪恶的角色,被描绘成皮肤漆黑,红眼,沾满血渍并挂着骷髅头项链的样子
来源:Sanskrit K3lo Sanskrit K3lo from k3lo [feminine of] k3la- [dark] from k3lo [feminine of] k3la- [dark] [of Dravidian origin] ; akin to Kannada k3ôu [black, blackness] [of Dravidian origin] ;类似于 Kannada k3ôu [black, blackness]