kid.napped 或 kid.naped 或 kid.naps 或 kid.naps
To seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom.
Probably kid
可能为 kid
nap [to snatch] perhaps variant of nab [or of Scandinavian origin]
nap [夺,夺走] 可能为 nab的变体 [或许源于斯堪的纳维亚语]
kid.nap.per 或
<注释>Kidnapper seems to have originated appropriately enough among those who perpetrate this crime. We know this becausekid and napper, the two parts of the compound, were slang of the sort that criminals might use. Kid, which some still find slangy, was considered low slang when kidnapper was formed, and napper is obsolete slang for a thief, coming from the verbnap, .to seize a person or thing, steal.. Nap is possibly a variant ofnab, which still has a slangy ring to it.In '78, the year in which the word is first recorded,kidnappers plied their trade on behalf of plantations in colonies such as the ones in North America.The term later took on the broader sense that it has today.The verbkidnap is recorded later ('82) than the noun and so is possibly a back-formation,that is, people have assumed that a kidnapper kidnaps.
Kidnapper 似乎恰好源于犯这种罪的人。 我们知道这个复合词的两个部分kid 和 napper 是这种罪犯们可能用的俚语。 Kidnapper 形成时 kid 被认为是低等的俚语,现在kid仍有俚语性质, napper 是指小偷的废弃的俚语, 从动词nap 而来, 指.抓住人或东西,偷。. Nap 可能是nab 的变体, 它也仍有俚语的性质。'78年这个词在英语中第一次记录时,绑架者为了如北美的殖民地种植园的利益进行了大量绑架。这个词后来又有象今天这么广的含义,动词kidnap 比名词记录要晚('82年), 所以可能是逆构词,也就是人们认为.绑架者.会绑架