The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.膝:处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位The portion of a garment that covers the lap.下摆:外套下部压住膝盖的部分A hanging or flaplike part, especially of a garment.衣襟:尤指衣服的下摆或下垂部分An area of responsibility, interest, or control:范围:责任、利益或控制范围:例句:an opportunity that dropped in his lap.一个机会落在他身上
<习惯用语>the lap of luxury
Conditions of great affluence or material comfort:奢华:极度富裕或舒适物质生活的状态:例句:an heiress living in the lap of luxury.一位生活奢华的女继承人
习惯用语>来源:Middle English lappe [lappet, lap] 中古英语 lappe [垂饰,下摆] from Old English lôppa [lappet] 源自 古英语 lôppa [垂布]
lap 2
To place or lay (something) so as to overlap another:重叠,搭叠:放置或铺设(某物)以盖住其它物:例句:roof tiles that were lapped so that water will run off.屋瓦搭叠以便雨水下流
To lie partly over or on:部分重叠:例句:each shingle lapping the next; shadows that lapped the wall.瓦片互相搭叠;影子映在墙上
To fold (something) over onto itself:折叠:例句:a cloth edge that had been lapped and sewn to make a hem.布料边缘折叠起来并缝成折边
To wrap or wind around (something); encircle.包裹,缠绕:包裹或缠绕(某物);围绕To envelop in something; swathe:裹住;包围:例句:models who were lapped in expensive furs.模特儿穿着昂贵的毛皮大衣
To join (pieces, as of wood) by means of a scarf or lap joint.使搭接:用凿槽或搭接的方法连结(小块,例如木头的)To get ahead of (an opponent) in a race by one or more complete circuits of the course.领先:在赛跑时领先(对手)一圈或多圈To convert (cotton or other fibers) into a sheet or layer.将(棉花,纤维)变成薄片:将(棉花或其它纤维)梳成一块或一层
To polish (a surface) until smooth.磨亮,磨平:摩擦(某物品表面)直至光滑To hone (two mating parts) against each other until closely fitted.磨平某物(使能配起来):将(两对应部分)相互摩擦直到其紧密地合并在一起v.intr.(不及物动词)To lie partly on or over something; overlap.折叠,部分重叠:部分地位于某物之上;重叠To form a lap or fold.造成重叠或折叠To wind around or enfold something.包围,包住某物n.(名词)
A part that overlaps.重叠的部分The amount by which one part overlaps another.重叠部分的数量:一部分重叠于另一部分的数量
One complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack.一圈跑道:完整封闭的一圈,尤指跑道One complete length of a straight course, as of a swimming pool.直线的路径:一段完整的直线距离,如游泳池A segment or stage, as of a trip.(旅行的)某段行程:一部分或一段,例如一段旅行
A length, as of rope, required to make one complete turn around something.(滚筒上绳索的)一圈:一段可供围绕某物完整的一圈的距离,例如绳子The act of lapping or encircling.重叠或折叠的动作A continuous band or layer of cotton, flax, or other fiber.柿卷:一层或连续的亚麻或其它纤维轮子的卷状物A wheel, disk, or slab of leather or metal, either stationary or rotating, used for polishing and smoothing.磨盘:由皮革或金属制成的轮子、圆盘或平板,或固定或转动,用于磨平和磨光
来源:Middle English lappen 中古英语 lappen from lappe [lap, lappet] * see lap 源自 lappe [垂襞,下摆] *参见 lap
lap 3
v.(动词)lapped,,laps及物动词)To take in (a liquid or food) by lifting it with the tongue.舔:用舌头把(液体或食物)弄起而吃进To wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds:拍打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗或击打:例句:waves lapping the side of the boat.波浪击打着船的侧面
v.intr.(不及物动词)To take in a liquid or food with the tongue.舔:用舌头吃液体或食物To wash against something with soft liquid sounds.击打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗物体n.(名词)
The act or an instance of lapping.一舔:舔的动作或例子The amount taken in by lapping.舔一次所吸收的份量The sound of lapping.击打声A watery food or drink.流质的事物:稀薄的食物或饮料
<常用词组>lap up
To receive eagerly or greedily:急切地或热切地接受:例句:lapping up praise.爱听表扬话
常用词组>来源:Middle English lapen 中古英语 lapen from Old English lapian 源自 古英语 lapian