The action of a lever.杠杆作用The mechanical advantage of a lever.杠杆的机械效率Positional advantage; power to act effectively:优势,力量:位置上的优势;有效的行动:例句:.started his . . . career with far more social leverage than his father had enjoyed.(Doris Kearns Goodwin).他开始了自己的事业,并享有比他的父辈更多的社会优势.(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)
The use of credit or borrowed funds to improve one`s speculative capacity and increase the rate of return from an investment, as in buying securities on margin.举债经营:用信用或贷款增加自己的投机能力并增加投资收益率,例如利用原价与买价之差来购买证券v.tr.(及物动词)lev.er.aged,lev.er.ag.ing,lev.er.ag.es To provide (a company) with leverage.使(某一公司)举债经营To supplement (money, for example) with leverage.补充(如金钱)支持To affect as if by leverage:杠杆作用:好象通过杠杆作用进行影响:例句:a lifestyle that was leveraged by business responsibilities.被商业责任大大影响的生活方式