A false publication in writing, printing, or typewriting or in signs or pictures that maliciously damages a person`s reputation.诽谤:以手写、印刷、打字或以符号或图画形式出现的一种虚假的宣传,旨在恶意毁坏一个人的名誉The act or an instance of presenting such a statement to the public.诽谤:向公众提供这样的虚假声明的行为或事实The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.原告诉状:在海事法或教会法中,由案件原告提出的书面声明及物动词)li.beled 或 li.belled 或 li.bel.ling li.bels 或 li.bels To communicate a false statement about in writing or by means of signs or pictures.See Synonyms at malign 诽谤:以文字、图画或符号的形式散播假声明参见 malign
来源:Middle English [litigant`s written complaint] 中古英语 [诉讼当事人的书面控告] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin libellus [diminutive of] liber [book] 源自 拉丁语 libellus [] liber的小后缀 [书]
li.beler 或