The capital and largest city of Portugal, in the western part of the country on the Tagus River estuary. An ancient Iberian settlement, it was held by the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, taken by the Romans in 205b.c. , and conquered by the Moors c. a.d. 74. Reconquered by the Portuguese in 47, it flourished in the 'th century during the heyday of colonial expansion in Africa and India. The city was devastated by a major earthquake in 755. Population, 807,'7.
里斯本:葡萄牙首都和最大的城市。位于太加斯河湾区域的西部。它是一个古老的伊比利亚人定居点,曾被腓尼基人和迦太基人占有。公元前 205年被罗马人占领,并于 公元 74年被摩尔人征服,47年葡萄牙人重新征服该城。在'世纪向非洲和印度的殖民扩张的全盛时期最为繁荣,在755年一场大地震中被夷为平地。人口807,'7