adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or being a grammatical case in certain inflected languages that indicates place in or on which or time at which, as in Latindomo, .at home.. 表位置的:属于、关于或成为某曲折变化语言中表示地点或时间的语法格的,如拉丁文domi 指.在家. n.(名词)The locative case.位置格A word in the locative case.位置格:位置格的词
来源:New Latin loc3tovus 现代拉丁语 loc3tovus from Latin loc3tus [past participle of] loc3re [to place] * see locate 源自 拉丁语 loc3tus [] loc3re的过去分词 [放,安置] *参见 locate