n.(名词)Any of several small, slow-moving, nocturnal prosimian primates of the generaLoris and Nycticebus of tropical Asia, having dense woolly fur, large eyes, and a vestigial tail. 懒猴:一种亚洲热带生活的体小、行动迟缓、夜间活动的灵长目原猴亚目动物,懒猴 属和 蜂猴 属,有浓密的皮毛、大眼睛和退化的尾
来源:French 法语 possibly from obsolete Dutch loeris [simpleton] 可能源自 已废荷兰语 loeris [笨人] from loer 源自 loer from Old French lourt 源自 古法语 lourt from Latin lôridus [pale] * see lurid 源自 拉丁语 lôridus [苍白的] *参见 lurid