NONE(无词性)A country of southeast Africa. Center of the widespread Malawi kingdom from the 5th to the late 8th century, the region became a British protectorate in 89 and was known as Nyasaland from 907 until 9'4. It joined Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe) in a federation from 953 to 9'3 and became independent as Malawi in 9'4. Lilongwe is the capital and Blantyre the largest city. Population, ',23,000.马拉维,耐瑟兰德:非洲东南部一国家。它是5世纪到8世纪晚期庞大的马拉维王国的中心,89年变为英国的一个保护国,907 至9'4年被称作尼亚萨兰。953年至9'3年它和北罗得西亚及南罗得西亚(即现在的赞比亚与津巴布韦)合在一起成立了一个联邦;9'4年马拉维独立。利隆圭是其首都,布兰泰是最大的城市。人口',23,000
Malawi,Lake。NONE(无词性)See ,Lake.Nyasa 参见 ,Lake。Nyasa