n.Symbol Mn (名词)符号 Mn
A gray-white or silvery brittle metallic element, occurring in several allotropic forms, found worldwide, especially in the ores pyrolusite and rhodochrosite and in nodules on the ocean floor. It is alloyed with steel to increase strength, hardness, wear resistance, and other properties and with other metals to form highly ferromagnetic materials. Atomic number 25; atomic weight 54.9380; melting point ,244=C; boiling point ,9'2=C; specific gravity 7.2 to 7.44; valence , 2, 3, 4, ', 7.See table at element
锰:一种呈灰白色或银白色的易脆金属,产生于几种同素异形体中,世界各地均有,尤其盛产于软锰矿、菱锰矿和海底的结核中。它与钢的合金可增加强力、硬度、抗腐蚀力以及其它特性;与其它金属可以合成高铁磁性的材料。原子序数为25;原子量54.9380;熔点,224=C;沸点,9'2=C;比重7.2至7.44;化合价为,2,3,4,',7参见 element
French manganèse
法语 manganèse
from Italian manganese
源自 意大利语 manganese
from Medieval Latin magnôsia * see magnesia
源自 中世纪拉丁语 magnôsia *参见 magnesia