n.(名词)【复数】 Scornfully contemptuous ridicule; derision.嘲讽:责备地鄙视可笑之事;嘲笑A specific act of ridicule or derision.嘲笑:取笑或嘲笑的具体行动An object of scorn or ridicule:笑柄:嘲弄或取笑的对象:例句:made a mockery of the rules.取笑这些规划
A false, derisive, or impudent imitation:冒充:假冒,嘲弄或无礼的模仿:例句:The trial was a mockery of justice.这次审判是一次假充公允
Something ludicrously futile or unsuitable:极不合适的事物:极其地微不足道的或不合适的事物:例句:The few packages of food seemed a mockery in the face of such enormous destitution.对于众多赤贫的人们,这几袋食物简直是杯水车薪