n.(名词)【复数】[-l2k.sôz] The regeneration of a body part by means of structural or cellular reorganization with only limited production of new cells, observed primarily in invertebrate organisms, such as certain lobsters.变形再生:某一身体部位通过构造或细胞重组织的方式再生,并产生有限新细胞,主要发生于无脊椎生物体,如龙虾
来源:New Latin 现代拉丁语 morph(o)- morph(o)-Greek allaxis [exchange] from allassein [to exchange] from allos [other] * see al- 希腊语 allaxis [交换] 源自 allassein [交换] 源自 allos [其他] *参见 al-