n.(名词)A marble-sized ball, originally of camphor but now of naphthalene, stored with clothes to repel moths.卫生球:一种弹子大小的球,原本由樟脑制成,现在由荼制成,与衣物存在一起以驱除蛾子mothballs mothballs A condition of long storage for possible future use:封存:长时期存放以备可能将来使用的状态:例句:put the battleship into mothballs.把战船封存保管
A condition of being set aside or discarded:束之高阁:被放于一边或舍弃的状态:例句:decided to put the plan into mothballs.决定先把此项计划搁置及物动词)moth.balled,,moth.balls To remove (a ship, for example) from active service or use and put into protective storage.使封存:把(如一只船)从积极的活动或使用状态转移并使之处于保护性贮存状态To defer indefinitely; shelve:搁置:无限期地推迟;暂缓考虑:例句:mothball a project.将一项工程搁置