n.(名词)The sterile hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, characterized by long ears and a short mane.骡:公驴和母马杂交的无繁殖能力的后代,特征是鬃毛短、耳朵长A sterile hybrid, as between a canary and other birds or between certain plants.杂交种动物(植物):杂交不育的品种,如在金丝鸟和其他鸟类之间杂交出的不育品种,也可指在植物之间Informal A stubborn person.【非正式用语】 犟驴:一个顽固的人A spinning machine that makes thread or yarn from fibers.走锭精纺机:能从纤维中捻出线或拔出丝的机器A small, usually electric tractor or locomotive used for hauling over short distances.轻型拖拉机,轻型牵引机:适用于短途搬运的小型、电动拖拉机或牵引机Slang A person who serves as a courier of illegal drugs.【俚语】 走私或贩运非法麻醉品的人
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French mul 源自 古法语 mul and from Old English môl 并源自 古英语 môl both from Latin môlus 都源自 拉丁语 môlus
mule 2
n.(名词)A slipper that has no counter or strap to fit around the heel.拖鞋:脚跟处没有后帮或扳扣的拖鞋
来源:Probably French [slipper] 可能为 法语 [拖鞋] possibly from Middle Dutch muil 可能源自 中古荷兰语 muil ultimately from Latin mulleus (calceus) [reddish-purple (ceremonial shoe)] 最终源自 拉丁语 mulleus (calceus) [淡红紫色(礼仪鞋)]