n.(名词)The act or process of multiplying or the condition of being multiplied.增加:增加的行为或过程或者被增加的情况Propagation of plants and animals; procreation.繁殖:动植物的繁殖;生殖Mathematics 【数学】 The operation that, for integers, consists of adding a number (the multiplicand) to itself a certain number of times. The operation is extended to other real numbers according to the rules governing the multiplication of integers.乘法运算:对于整数,一个被乘数乘以一定倍数的乘数的运算。根据整数乘法运算法则,此种乘法运算可运用到其他实数Any of certain analogous operations involving expressions other than real numbers.涉及除了实数以外的表达式的任何相似的运算