NONE(无词性)A country of southwest Africa on the Atlantic Ocean. A German protectorate after 884, it was occupied in 95 by South Africa, which governed it under a League of Nations mandate from 920 to 94' but refused to accept the United Nations trusteeship that replaced the mandate. After many years of turmoil, Namibia achieved full independence in March 990. Windhoek is the capital. Population, ,099,000.纳米比亚,西南非洲:非洲西南部的一个国家,位于大西洋沿岸。884年后属于德国的保护国,95年被南非占领,从920年到94'年受民族联盟托管,但拒绝联合国代替托管。经过多年混乱,纳米比亚于990年3月获得完全独立。温得和克是其首都。人口,099,000