n.(名词)A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to prosecute the case or to introduce sufficient evidence.诉讼驳回:由于原告没将案件起诉或缺乏确凿证据而作出对原告不利的判决及物动词)non.suit.ed,,non.suits To render a judgment of nonsuit against (a plaintiff).驳回…之诉讼:驳回(原告)诉讼
来源:Middle English [failure of a plaintiff to prosecute] 中古英语 [原告起诉的失败] from Anglo-Norman nounsuite 源自 英法语 nounsuite noun- [no] from Latin nôn * see non- noun- [不] 源自 拉丁语 nôn *参见 non-suite [suit] * see suit suite [起诉] *参见 suit