n.(名词)A man who investigates complaints, reports findings, and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution, an organization, or a company.调查官,巡视员:一个调查抱怨和不满,报告调查结果和公平解决事端的人,尤指在互相怨恨的几方之间,如消费者或学生和一机构、组织或公司之间A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens` complaints against the government or its functionaries.巡视官:专门调查公民对政府或其公务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员
来源:Swedish 瑞典语 from Old Norse umbodhsmadhr [deputy, plenipotentiary] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 umbodhsmadhr [代表,全权代表] umbodh [commission] um [about] * see ambhi bodh [command] * see bheudh- umbodh [调查团] um [关于] *参见 ambhi bodh [命令] *参见 bheudh- madhr [man] * see man- madhr [人] *参见 man-
n.(名词)<注释>The wordombudsman looks as if its constituents would be familiar, judging from the element man, but it is difficult to think of whatombuds could mean. Ombudsman is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, andman in Swedish corresponds to our word man. Ombud means .commissioner, agent,. coming from Old Norseumbodh, .charge, commission, administration by a delegacy,. umbodh being made up of um, .regarding,. and bodh, .command.. In Old Norse anumbodhsmadhr was a .trusty manager, commissary.. In Swedishanombudsman was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 809 the office ofriksdagens justitieombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice, that is, to see after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and its citizens.This office of ombudsman and the wordombudsman have been adopted elsewhere, as in individual states in the United States.The term has also been expanded in senseto include people who perform the same function for business corporations or newspapers.从ombudsman 这个词的 man 这一组成部分看,它的构成似乎很眼熟, 但接下去就很难令人想起ombuds 到底是什么意思了。 Ombudsman 这个词源于和英语同属于日耳曼语族的瑞典语, 而man 这个词在瑞典语中的意思恰好和英语中的 man相对应。 Ombud 的意思是.调查团成员,代表., 源于古斯堪的纳维亚语umbodh, 意为.由代表团负责,调查,管理., umbodh 是由 um, 即.注视.和 bodh .命令、管理.两部分所构成。 在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,umbodhsmadhr 指一个.值得信任的管理者或代表.。 在瑞典语中,ombudsman 曾指一个管理一个群体如工会、商行的利益和法律事务的人。 809年成立了司法巡查局 ,它是一司法机构, 即专门管理调查政府和公民之间事务的司法权益。巡检局和ombudsman 这个词也被其它地区采用, 如美国一些个别的州。现在这个名词术语的使用范围比以前更广,还包括在商务或报纸新闻业负有此项职能的人注释>