n.(名词)The part or parts that face out; the outer surface.外面,外部:露出来的部分;表面
The part or side of an object that is presented to the viewer; the external aspect.外观:物体能被看到的部分或方面;外表Outward aspect or appearance:外观或外表:例句:.You`ll never persuade me that I can`t tell what men are by their outsides.(George Eliot).你永远都无法说服我不要以貌取人.(乔治·艾略特)
The space beyond a boundary or limit.外界:超过某个范围或界线的地方Sports A position at a distance from the inside or center, as of a playing field or racetrack.【体育运动】 界外,外侧位置:远离,如运动场或跑道的内部或中心的位置The utmost limit; the maximum:极限,极端:最大界限;最大范围:例句:We`ll be leaving in ten days at the outside.最多十天以后我们就出发
Of, relating to, or being on or near the outer side; outer:外部的,外面的:外表面的,位于外侧的或邻于外侧的;外面的:例句:the outside margin.外侧的空白
Of, restricted to, or situated on the outer side of an enclosure or a boundary; external:外界的:属于,限于或位于围栏或界限之外的;外部的:例句:an outside door lock; an outside antenna.室外的门锁;室外天线
Located away from the inside or center:远离内部或中心的:例句:the outside traffic lane.外侧车道
Acting, occurring, originating, or being at a place beyond certain limits:外界的:在一定范围外的地方活动、出现、发生或位于一定范围之外的地方:例句:knew little of the outside world.对外面的世界所知甚少
Gaining or providing access to the external side:外面的:赢得或提供通往外面的 :例句:an outside telephone line.室外电话线
Not belonging to or originating in a certain group or association:外部的:不属于或不来自于一定团体或组织内的:例句:requested outside assistance; deplored outside interference.要求外界的支援;痛恨外来的干扰
Being beyond the limits of one`s usual work or responsibilities:业余的:不属于某人的一般工作或职责的:例句:My outside interests are skiing and sailing.我的业余爱好是滑雪和航海
Extreme, uttermost:极度的,彻底的:例句:The costs have exceeded even our outside estimates.花销甚至已超出了我们估计的最高值
Very unlikely; remote:极少的,万一的:非常不可能的;细微的:例句:only an outside possibility of winning the tournament.仅有一线希望赢得这次锦标赛
Baseball Passing on the side of home plate away from the batter. Used of a pitch.【棒球】 界外球的:在离击球员远的本垒边上传球的。用于投掷adv.(副词)On or to the outer or external side.在外面地或外侧地Outdoors.在户外地prep.(介词)On or to the outer or external side of:在…外,位于或在…的外面或外侧:例句:saw someone outside the window.看见窗外有些人
Beyond the limits of:超出…的界限:例句:a little place outside the city.城市之外的一个小地方
With the exception of; except:除了:例句:We have no other information outside the figures already given.除了已提供的这些数字外,我们没有其它信息