v.(动词)pecked,,pecks及物动词)To strike with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴巴或尖利的器械击、刺或啄To make (a hole, for example) by striking repeatedly with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄出,啄穿:通过用嘴巴或尖器连续的击使形成(一孔)To grasp and pick up with the beak:以喙啄食:用嘴巴攫取或捡起:例句:The bird pecked insects from the log.鸟从树木里啄出昆虫
Informal To kiss briefly and casually.【非正式用语】 轻吻:以迅速敷衍的方式亲吻v.intr.(不及物动词)To make strokes with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴或尖器材轻击To eat in small, sparing bits; nibble:小口地吃:以小口、少量的咬来吃;轻咬:例句:He pecked at his dinner.他慢慢吃着饭
To criticize repeatedly; carp.不断地批评;吹毛求疵n.(名词)
A stroke or light blow with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴巴或尖头工具击或轻敲A mark or hole made by such a stroke.啄痕,(啄出的)小洞:这样轻击出的痕迹或洞Informal A light, quick kiss.【非正式用语】 轻吻:轻且快的吻
来源:Middle English pecken 中古英语 pecken probably variant of piken [to peck] perhaps influenced by Middle Low German pekken * see pick 可能为 piken的变体 [啄] 可能受 中古低地德语 pekken的影响 *参见 pick
peck 2
n.Abbr. pk.(名词)缩写 pk.
A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 537.' cubic inches.配克:美国海关系统的一干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约537.'立方英寸A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 554.8 cubic inches.See table at measurement 配克:英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554.8立方英寸参见 measurementA container holding or measuring a peck.一配克容量的容器或量器Informal A large quantity; a lot:【非正式用语】 许多,大量:一个很大的量;大量:例句:a peck of troubles.许多麻烦
来源:Middle English 中古英语