n.(名词)A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.退休金,抚恤金:一笔作为退休或受资助而定期领取的钱及物动词)pen.sioned,,pen.sions To grant a pension to.发给养老金To retire or dismiss with a pension:用养老金或补助金使退休或解雇:例句:.Some French farmers suggest that the Government pension off the older and less efficient farmers.(E.J. Dionne, Jr.).一些法国农夫向政府建议让那些年长的或工作效率低下的农夫领取退休金或补助金而退休.(小E.J.迪翁)
来源:Middle English pensioun [payment] 中古英语 pensioun [支付的款额] from Old French pension 源自 古法语 pension from Latin pônsiô pônsiôn- 源自 拉丁语 pônsiô pônsiôn- from pônsus [past participle of] pendere [to weigh, pay] * see (s)pen- 源自 pônsus [] pendere的过去分词 [估量,偿付] *参见 (s)pen-
pension 2
n.(名词)A boarding house or small hotel in Europe:膳宿公寓:欧洲大陆国家有膳宿的公寓或小旅馆:例句:.A pension had somewhat less to offer than a hotel; it was always smaller, and never elegant; it sometimes offered breakfast, and sometimes not.(John Irving).膳宿公寓提供的服务不如旅馆那么完善;一般来说较小且不豪华;有时提供早餐而有时不提供.(约翰·欧文)
Accommodations or the payment for accommodations, especially at a boarding house or small hotel in Europe.膳宿费:尤指在欧洲大陆的膳宿公寓或小旅馆支付膳宿的款额Room and board.膳宿
来源:French 法语 from Old French [payment] * see pension 源自 古法语 [支付的款额] *参见 pension