n.(名词)The body considered with reference to its proportions, muscular development, and appearance:体格,体形:参考其比例、肌肉发展和外形来考虑的身体:例句:.a short man with . . . the physique of a swimmer.(John le Carré).体形像游泳运动员的矮个男子.(约翰·勒·卡里)
来源:French [physical, physique] 法语 [身体的,体形] from Latin physicus [of nature] 源自 拉丁语 physicus [自然的] from Greek phusikos 源自 希腊语 phusikos from phusis [nature] * see bheu…- 源自 phusis [自然] *参见 bheu…-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>physique,build,constitution同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .bodily structure or development.: 这些名词共同的意思是.身体的结构或发展.: 例句:a child of delicate physique;体格弱的孩子;
例句:a stocky build;一个粗壮身材的人;
例句:a robust constitution. 健壮的体质