A common weed(Chenopodium album) having lance-shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers. Also called lamb`s quarters
苋:一种普通的野草(藜 藜属) ,长矛状的叶片上有粉质的表面,开有绿色的小花 也作 lamb`s quarters
A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers. Also called redroot
藜:一种分布于世界各地的粗糙野草(反枝苋 苋属) ,长有毛茸茸的叶子,绿色花朵中有簇集的顶生圆锥花序和侧生的穗状花序 也作 redroot