n.(名词)A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration.少量津贴:很少一部分金钱补助、工资或津贴A very small amount:少量,少许:很少的数额:例句:not a pittance of remorse.毫无悔恨之心
来源:Middle English pitance 中古英语 pitance from Old French [allowance of food to a monk or poor person] 源自 古法语 [给和尚或穷人的食品施舍] from Medieval Latin poetantia 源自 中世纪拉丁语 poetantia from *poet3ns poetant- [present participle of] .poet3re [to show compassion] 源自 *poet3ns poetant- [] ·poet3re的现在分词 [表示同情] from Latin piet3s, poet3s [piety] * see pity 源自 拉丁语 piet3s, poet3s [虔诚] *参见 pity