n.(名词)【复数】 plu.ral.i.ties The state or fact of being plural.多数状态,多重性:多数的状态或事实A large number or amount; a multitude.多数:较大的数目或数量;众多Ecclesiastical 【基督教会】 Pluralism.兼任制The offices or benefices held by a pluralist.兼任,兼任的圣职:由一名兼任者担任的职务或圣职
In a contest of more than two choices, the number of votes cast for the winning choice if this number is not more than one half of the total votes cast.未超过半数的最多票:在一场有两个以上选择的竞争中,获胜者在所得票数未超过全部票数一半的情况下所赢得的票数The number by which the vote of the winning choice in such a contest exceeds that of the closest opponent.超过票数:在这样一场竞争中,获胜者所获的选票超出和其最接近的别的竞选者所获选票的数目The larger or greater part.大部分,多数:较大或较多的部分