A pocket-sized folder or case used to hold money and papers; a billfold.
A purse; a handbag.
Financial resources; money supply:
prices to fit your pocketbook.
Often pocket book A pocket-sized, usually paperbound book.Also called In this sense, also called pocket edition
常作 pocket book 袖珍版,丛书版:口袋大小且通常为纸质封皮的书也作 在此意义上也可称作 pocket edition
<注释>The link between the senses .billfold, purse,. and .pocket-sized book. of the wordpocketbook can be clarified with a little historical information. The compound is first recorded in '7 in the sense of .a small book designed to be carried in a pocket..It is only recently that such books have looked like the paperbound books we are familiar with;these early paperbacks were bound like any book but were smaller in size.The next recorded use ofpocketbook ('85) is again for a book designed to fit in the pocket but this time used for notes or memoranda.The same word was then applied to a case that was shaped like a bookand in which money or papers could be kept.Finally, the wordpocketbook was transferred to yet another container for keeping things, a purse or handbag,rarely fitting in the pocketand not necessarily shaped like a book.
Pocketbook 一词的两种词义.钱夹,手袋.和.口袋大小的书.之间的关联通过一点历史知识予以澄清。 这一复合词在'7年被首次记录为.被设计放在口袋里携带的一本小书.的意思。只是到不久前这种书看上去才象我们所熟悉的纸质封皮的书籍;这些早期的纸皮书装订得除了大尺寸上小点之外与其它书都一样。Pocketbook ('85年)的下一个记录下来的用法又是指设计的以适合口袋大小的书, 但这次它却被用来做笔记或便笺。这一词后来又被用来指定形为本书一样的盒子,并且里面可以存放钱或纸张。最后,pocketbook 这个词又转指另一种存放物品的容纳物, 比如一只手袋或手提包,它很少会放得进口袋,形状也不一定象书。