adj.(形容词)Aimed straight at the mark or target without allowing for the drop in a projectile`s course.平射的:直接瞄准标记或目标而不考虑投射物轨迹下降的
So close to a target that a weapon may be aimed directly at it:短射程的:与目标如此接近以致于武器可以直接瞄准它:例句:point-blank range.短射程
Close enough so that missing the target is unlikely or impossible:接近目标的:非常接近以致于不大可能或不可能误击目标的:例句:a point-blank shot.近距离射击
Straightforward; blunt:直截了当的;坦白的:例句:a point-blank accusation.直截了当的控诉
adv.(副词)With a straight aim; directly:直接瞄准地;直接地:例句:fired point-blank at the intruder.对入侵者直接开火
Without hesitation, deliberation, or equivocation:毫不犹豫地,无需考虑地,坦白地:例句:answered point-blank.坦白地回答
来源:Perhaps from French point (de tir) [(firing) point] 可能源自 法语 point (de tir) [(射)点] or point (visé) [(aiming) point] from Old French * see point 或 point (visé) [(瞄准)点] 源自 古法语 *参见 pointFrench blanc [bullseye, target] from Old French [white] * see blank 法语 blanc [靶心,靶子] 源自 古法语 [白色的] *参见 blank