adj.(形容词)Clearly expressed or delineated; definite:清晰的,确切的:表达或描绘很清楚的;确定的:例句:The victim was able to give a precise description of the suspect.受害者能够清晰地描绘嫌疑犯
Exact, as in performance, execution, or amount; accurate or correct:精确的,正确的:如在实行、实施或数量上很准确的;精确的或准确的:例句:a precise measurement; a precise instrument.精确的测量;精密仪器
Strictly distinguished from others; very:明确的:严格区别于其他的;正是所要的:例句:at that precise moment.就在那一时刻
Distinct and correct in sound or meaning:清晰的,无误的:声音或意义清楚而正确的:例句:precise pronunciation; precise prose.正确的发音;严格无误的散文
Conforming strictly to rule or proper form:正统的:严格合乎规则或适当形式的:例句:.The setting up of this Maypole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise separatists that lived at New Plymouth.(Thomas Morton).对于生活在新普利茅斯的正统分离主义者来说,这个五朔节花柱的建立实在是令人伤心的悲惨场面.(托马斯·莫顿)
来源:Middle English [exact] 中古英语 [精确的] from Old French precis [condensed, precisely fixed] 源自 古法语 precis [凝结的,明显稳定的] from Latin praecosus [past participle of] praecodere [to shorten] 源自 拉丁语 praecosus [] praecodere的过去分词 [缩短] prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表.先于….] caedere [to cut] * see ka…-id- caedere [剪切] *参见 ka…-id-