adj.(形容词)Lying with the front or face downward.俯卧的:脸朝下躺着的Having a tendency; inclined:有…趋向的;倾向的:例句:paper that is prone to yellowing; children who are prone to mischief.易发黄的纸;倾向于淘气的孩子们
adv.(副词)In a prone manner:仰卧地:以仰伏的样子:例句:The patient was lying prone on the bed.病人俯卧在床上
来源:Middle English [inclined, disposed] 中古英语 [倾斜的,有倾向的] from Latin prônus [leaning forward] * see per 源自 拉丁语 prônus [前倾] *参见 per
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>prone,supine,prostrate,recumbent同义词>These adjectives mean lying down, as on the ground.这些形容词意为躺下来,如躺在地上。 Prone refers to lying face downward with the front of the body facing the surface on which it rests: Prone 是指脸朝下躺着,身体的前部朝着身体下面的地面: 例句:The spaniel lay prone on the floor, his long ears draped over his extended front legs.那只猎獚趴在地板上,长长的耳朵耷拉在伸直的前腿上。
Supine means lying down on the back: Supine 指仰躺着: 例句:The victim was supine on the stretcher.受害者仰卧在担架上。
Prostrate denotes lying down flat or at full length: Prostrate 指平躺着或伸直躺着: 例句:.the prostrate trunk of a coconut tree. (Herman Melville).The word often implies that a prone or a supine position has been assumed out of humiliation, submission, helplessness, or physical or emotional incapacity: .椰子树的直树干. (海默·梅尔维尔)。这个词经常暗示被认为是屈辱、驯服、无助或身体或感情的无能的一种俯卧或仰卧姿势:
例句:.Heselrigge, as he lay prostrate . . . implored for life. (Jane Porter).黑塞瑞格…当他俯卧在地时…企求饶命. (简·彼特)。
Recumbent means lying down in a position of comfort or rest: Recumbent 是指舒适或放松地躺着: 例句:The picnickers were recumbent on thick moss under a big tree. 野餐的人们在大树下厚厚的苔藓上舒适地躺着