pro.tect及物动词)pro.tect.ed,,pro.tects To keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured; guard.See Synonyms at defend 保护:使免于受到损坏,攻击,偷盗或伤害;保卫参见 defendTo help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods.贸易保护:通过关税和进口货物配额帮助(国内工业)To assure payment of (drafts or notes, for example) by setting aside funds.备款以支付:设置资金以保证支付(比如汇票或票据)
来源:Middle English protecten 中古英语 protecten from Latin prôtegere prôtôct- 源自 拉丁语 prôtegere prôtôct- prô- [in front] * see pro- prô- [在前面] *参见 pro-tegere [to cover] * see (s)teg- tegere [覆盖] *参见 (s)teg-