v.(动词)read[rμd],reads及物动词)To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).读,阅读:检查并掌握(书面或印刷体的文字、词语或句子的)意思To utter or render aloud (written or printed material):朗读:大声念出或发出(书面或印刷材料):例句:She read her poems to the students.她向学生们朗读她写的诗
To have the ability to examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed material in a given language or notation):懂得,了解:具有检查并掌握(特定语言或标记的书面或印刷材料的)能力:例句:reads Chinese; reads music.懂汉语;懂音乐
To examine and grasp the meaning of (language in a form other than written or printed characters, words, or sentences):懂得,阅读并了解:检查并掌握(非书面或印刷体段落、文字或句子形式的语言)的意思:例句:reading Braille; reading sign language.盲读布莱叶点字法;看得懂手语
To examine and grasp the meaning of (a graphic representation):研究:检查并掌握(图形说明的)意思:例句:reading a map.查看地图
To discern and interpret the nature or significance of through close examination or sensitive observation:仔细观察:通过细致的检查或敏感的观察发现和解释某事物的性质或精彩处:例句:The tracker read the trail for signs of game.猎人发现了猎物的踪迹
To discern or anticipate through examination or observation; descry:觉察,辨明:通过检查或观察来识别或预料;发现:例句:.I can read abandonment in a broken door or shattered window.(William H. Gass).我能够通过破坏门和窗户来发现荒废的遗迹.(威廉H.加斯)
To determine the intent or mood of:看透:确定…的意图或情绪:例句:I can read your mind like a book. He`s a hard person to read.我可以像读书一样清楚地看到你的心理活动。他可是个令人难以理解的人
To attribute a certain interpretation or meaning to:诠释,归结出…的深意:把某种解释或意思归因于…:例句:She read a different meaning into what he had said.她从他的言语中读出了不同的含义
To consider (something written or printed) as having a particular meaning or significance:认为…有特殊意义:认为(书面或印刷材料)具有某种特殊的含义或意义:例句:I read the novel as a parable.我认为这本小说实际上是个寓言故事书
To foretell or predict (the future).预测,预言:预测或预知(未来)To receive or comprehend (a radio message, for example):充分了解,接收:收听到并理解(例如无线电讯息):例句:I read you loud and clear.我能清楚地听到你宏亮的声音
To study or make a study of:研究,攻读:研究或做…研究:例句:She read history as an undergraduate.她在大学攻读历史
To learn or get knowledge of from something written or printed:得知,获得:从书面或印刷材料中学习或获得知识:例句:He read that interest rates would continue to rise.他知道利率会继续上涨
To proofread.校对To have or use as a preferred reading in a particular passage:误念,误用:在某一特定篇章中具有或作为优先读物来使用:例句:Forchange read charge . charge 是 change 的误用
To indicate, register, or show:说明,指示,显示:例句:The dial reads 32=.刻度显示出32°
Computer Science To obtain information from a storage medium, such as a magnetic disk.【计算机科学】 读,读取:从例如磁盘等的储存器中取得信息v.intr.(不及物动词)To examine and grasp the meaning of printed or written characters, as of words or music.阅读,理解:检查并掌握各种书面或印刷文字的意思,如文学作品或音乐To speak aloud the words that one is reading:朗读:将自己正在阅读的文字大声念出来:例句:He reads to his children every night.他每天晚上给他的孩子们朗读文章
To learn by reading:得知:通过阅读得知:例句:We read about the storm in the paper today.从今天的报纸上我们得知今天有风暴
To study.研究To have a particular wording:陈述:具有特定的措辞:例句:Recite the poem exactly as it reads.一字不漏地背出这首诗
To contain a specific meaning:具有含义:容纳一个特定的意思:例句:As the law reads, the defendant is guilty.根据法律条文载明,被告有罪
To indicate, register, or show a measurement or figure:显示,指示:说明、指示或显示一个刻度或数字:例句:How does your new watch readô你的新手表显示准确吗ô
To have a specified character or quality for the reader:读起来:读者读后感到有特殊的特点或品质:例句:His poems read well.他的诗读起来很舒服
n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 Something that is read:读物:供人阅读的东西:例句:.The book is a page-turner as well as a very satisfying read.(Frank Conroy).这是一本引人入胜的书,读后使人心旷神怡.(弗兰克·康罗伊)
Informed by reading; learned:获知的,由阅读得知的:由于阅读而见多识广的;有学问的:例句:He was only sparsely read in fields outside his profession.他对自己专业以外的领域只知道一些皮毛
<常用词组>read out
To read aloud:大声诵读:例句:Please read out the names on the list.请大声念出名单上的名字
read up
To study or learn by reading:研读:通过阅读进行研究或学习:例句:Read up on the places you plan to visit before you travel.在旅游之前,对你准备前往的地方先作一番调查研究
常用词组><习惯用语>read a lecture 或
read a lesson
To issue a reprimand:责备:发表批评意见:例句:Mother read us a lecture after the principal telephoned her.校长打电话后,妈妈批评了我们一顿
read between the lines
To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning:仔细阅读,研究:找出或发现隐藏晦涩的意思:例句:learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.学会仔细研读公司年度报告,并从中发现财政困难的迹象
read out of
To expel by proclamation from a social, political, or other group:驱逐,开除:被正式文告从社会、政治或其它集团中驱逐:例句:He was read out of the secretariat after the embarrassing incident.由于那次尴尬的事件,他被从秘书处开除了
习惯用语>来源:Middle English reden 中古英语 reden from Old English rôdan [to advise] * see ar- 源自 古英语 rôdan [建议] *参见 ar-