v.(动词)re.cord.ed,,re.cords及物动词)To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.记录:以书写或其它永久性的方式记下以保存To register or indicate:登录:登记或显示:例句:The clerk recorded the votes.职员登录选票数
To register (sound or images) in permanent form by mechanical or electrical means for reproduction.录制,录影:用机械或电子方式永久性地记录下(声音或图像)以便复制To register the words, sound, appearance, or performance of by such means:录音:用此种方式手段记录下文字、声音、外表或表演:例句:recorded the oldest townspeople on tape; recorded the violin concerto.在磁带上记录下镇上最老的居民;录下小提琴演奏会
v.intr.(不及物动词)To record something.记录:记录某物n.(名词) record
An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge.登录:如对信息或事实的叙述,尤指书面记录下来以作为保存知识的一种手段Something on which such an account is based.记录的内容:该记录基于其上的某事Something that records:记录的事物:例句:a fossil record.化石的记录
Information or data on a particular subject collected and preserved:资料:收集起或保存下来的具体科目的信息或数据:例句:the coldest day on record.历史记载最冷的一天
The known history of performance, activities, or achievement:历史记载:表演、行动或成就的为人所知的历史:例句:your academic record; hampered by a police record.你的学业履历;因警方的记录而受阻
An unsurpassed measurement:最高记录:某个没有被超过的最值:例句:a world record in weightlifting; a record for cold weather.某项举重的世界记录;天气寒冷的记录
Computer Science A collection of related, often adjacent items of data, treated as a unit.【计算机科学】 记录:一组相关的且通常为相邻的数据项目,被当作一个单位来处理Law 【法律】 An account officially written and preserved as evidence or testimony.证据记录:官方书写并保存的作为证据或证词的叙述An account of judicial or legislative proceedings written and preserved as evidence.审判记录,判决记录:作为证据而书写并保存的有关判决或司法程序的叙述The documents or volumes containing such evidence.案卷:包含这种证据的文件或集册
A disk designed to be played on a phonograph.唱片:设计在唱机上播放的盘片Something, such as magnetic tape, on which sound or visual images have been recorded.录制品:上面记录有声音或视觉图像的东西,如磁带
<习惯用语>go on record
To embrace a certain position publicly:公开表明:公开信奉某个特定立场:例句:go on record in favor of the mayor`s reelection.公开表明支持市长再次当选
off the record
Not for publication:不出版的,不公开的:例句:The senator told the reporters that his remarks were strictly off the record.那位参议员告诫记者们,他的评论决不可以被引用
on record
Known to have been stated or to have taken a certain position:记录下来的:被认为已陈述或已采取某一个观点的:例句:The senator`s opposition to the new legislation is on record.参议员在新立法体系中的位置已记录在案
习惯用语>来源:Middle English recorden 中古英语 recorden from Old French recorder 源自 古法语 recorder from Latin record3ro [to remember] 源自 拉丁语 record3ro [想起] re- [re-] re- [前缀re-,表.又,再,重新.] cor cord- [heart] * see kerd- cor cord- [心] *参见 kerd-