n.(名词)Any of several marine fishes of the family Echeneidae, having on the head a sucking disk with which they attach themselves to sharks, whales, sea turtles, or the hulls of ships.Also called shark sucker ,suckerfish ,suckfish 鮣鱼:属于的几种海鱼的任何一种,在头部有吸盘,常吸附于鲨鱼,鲸,海龟或船体上也作 shark sucker,suckerfish,suckfish
来源:Latin [delay (from the belief that they could slow ships down)] 拉丁语 [防碍(由它们能使船放慢速度的说法而来)] from remor3ro [to delay] 源自 remor3ro [防碍] re- [re-] re- [前缀re-] mor3ro [to delay] from mora [delay] mor3ro [防碍] 源自 mora [防碍]