v.(动词)rent[rμnt] 或 rend.ed,rends及物动词)To tear or split apart or into pieces violently.See Synonyms at tear 用力撕扯:猛力地撕裂或扯碎成小片参见 tearTo tear (one`s garments or hair) in anguish or rage.揪扯:因痛苦或愤怒揪扯(自己的衣服或头发)To tear away forcibly; wrest.用力撕开;猛力扭转To pull, split, or divide as if by tearing:分裂:似乎用撕扯的方式拉开、分裂或分开:例句:.Chip was rent between the impulse to laugh wildly and a bitterness that threatened hot tears.(Louis Auchincloss).钱在使人狂笑的冲动和预示热泪盈眶的苦涩之间被撕得粉碎.(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)
To pierce or disturb with sound:穿透:以声音透穿或打扰:例句:a scream rent the silence.一声尖叫打破了寂静
To cause pain or distress to:使痛苦;使烦恼:例句:tales that rend the heart.使人心碎的故事
v.intr.(不及物动词)To become torn or split; come apart.使撕裂或变碎片;分开
来源:Middle English renden 中古英语 renden from Old English rendan 源自 古英语 rendan