及物动词)re.placed,, 缩写 repl.To put back into a former position or place.把…放回:把…放回原先的位置或地方To take or fill the place of.取代:取代或填充…的位置;代替To be or provide a substitute for.提供代替品:作为或提供对…更换物To pay back or return; refund.偿还,归还;退回
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>replace,supplant,supersede同义词>These verbs are compared as they mean to turn someone or something out and place another in his, her, or its stead.Toreplace is to be or furnish an equivalent or a substitute in the place of another, especially another that has been lost, depleted, worn out, or discharged: 这些动词在用来指把某人或某物辞退或搬走并用他人或他物代替他、她或它时具可比性。Replace 是指成为或提供代替他人或他物的物或人的相等物或替换物, 尤其是对已经丢失、耗尽、用竭或被辞退: 例句:.A conspiracy was carefully engineered to replace the Directory by three Consuls. (H.G. Wells). .细心策划密谋以三个执政官取代督政府. (H.G,威尔斯)。
例句:.I succeed him [Benjamin Franklin, as envoy to France] ; no one could replace him. (Thomas Jefferson)..我接替他[本杰明·富兰克林,作为派往法国的特使] ;没有人能够取代他. (托马斯·杰弗逊)。
Supplant often suggests the use of intrigue or underhanded tactics to take another`s place: Supplant 通常指用阴谋诡计或卑鄙的手段来取代他人的位置: 例句:.The rivaling poor Jones, and supplanting him in her affections, added another spur to his pursuit. (Henry Fielding).The term does not, however, invariably have this connotation: .对抗的可怜的琼斯,以及用她的影响取代他的位置的举动进一步刺激了他的追求. (亨利·费尔汀)。然而,这个词语并不是一成不变地只有这个涵义:
例句:.The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals. (James Harvey Robinson).Tosupersede is to replace one person or thing by another held to be superior, more valuable or useful, or less antiquated: .蒸汽机开始取代人和动物的劳动. (詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。Supersede 是指用另一个被认为更优秀、更有价值、更有用或者更年轻的人或物代替某人或某物:
例句:.In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech. (Macaulay). .在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代. (麦考利)。
例句:.Each of us carries his own life-form—an indeterminable form which cannot be superseded by any other. (Carl Jung).我们每个人都有自己的生活方式-一种无法查明、不能被其它任何一种方式取代的方式. (卡尔·荣格)