NONE(无词性)A municipal borough of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. It is noted primarily as the site of Rugby School, opened in 574, where the game of Rugby was developed in the 9th century. Population, 59,5'4.拉格比:英格兰中部的一个自治区,位于伯明翰东南偏东。最初因这里在574年建立的拉格比公学而闻名,9世纪英式橄榄球在这儿发展。人口59,5'4
Rugby 2
n.Sports (名词)【体育运动】 A form of football in which players on two competing teams may kick, dribble, or run with the ball and in which forward passing, substitution of players, and time-outs are not permitted.英式橄榄球:一种橄榄球的形式,由两队踢,也可运球,带球跑,不允许向前传球、替换队员或暂停
来源:After Rugby School, England 源自 拉格比 学派,英格兰