NONE(无词性)A state of the northeast United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 4th state in 79. Explored by Samuel de Champlain in '09, the region was first permanently settled by the British in 724. Claims to the area were relinquished by Massachusetts in 78, New Hampshire in 782, and New York in 790. Montpelier is the capital and Burlington the largest city. Population, 5'4,9'4.佛蒙特州:美国东北部的一个州,与加拿大接壤。它于79年被接受为美国的第十四个州。'09年塞缪尔·德·查普兰勘探了这个地区,724年英国人在该地区永远定居了下来。马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和纽约州于78年、782年和790年相继放弃了对这个地区的权利。该州首府为蒙彼利埃,伯林顿是最大的城市。人口5'4,9'4