NONE(无词性)The capital and largest city of Austria, in the northeast part of the country on the Danube River. Originally a Celtic settlement, it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in 278 and a leading cultural center in the 8th century, particularly under the reign (740-780) of Maria Theresa. Vienna was designated the capital of Austria in 98. Population, ,524,50.维也纳:奥地利首都和最大的城市,在这个国家的东北部的多瑙河上。最早是凯尔特集居地,278年成为哈布斯堡王朝的官方住址,到了8世纪成为主要的文化中心,特别是玛丽亚·特丽莎王朝的统治下(740-780年)。维也纳在98年被指定为奥地利首都。人口,524,50A town of northeast Virginia, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 5,4'9.维也纳:美国弗吉尼亚东北部一城镇,华盛顿特区的居住郊区。人口5,4'9