informal terms for money
small cylindrical beads made from polished shells and fashioned into strings or belts; used by certain Native American peoples as jewelry or currency
The Role of Wampum Production at the Albany Almshouse
Wampum at Niagara: The Royal Proclamation, Canadian Legal History, and Self-Government
The Value of Wampum among the New York Iroquois: A Case Study in Artifact Analysis
Wampum as Hypertext: An American Indian Intellectual Tradition of Multimedia Theory and Practice
Return of Eleven Wampum Belts to the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy on Grand River, Canada
Postglacial history and paleoecology of Wampum, Manitoba, a former lagoon in the Lake Agassiz basin
The Two "Mystery"Belts of Grand River: A Biography of the Two Row Wampum and the Friendship Belt