v.(动词)war.bled,war.bling,war.bles v.tr.Music (及物动词)【音乐】 To sing (a note or song, for example) with trills, runs, or other melodic embellishments.用柔和的颤音唱歌:用颤音、连续音或其他悦耳的装饰音唱(如一支调子或歌曲)v.intr.(不及物动词)Music To sing with trills, runs, or quavers.【音乐】 用颤音、连续音等唱To be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner.用震颤的方式发音n.Music (名词)【音乐】 The act or an instance of singing with trills, runs, or quavers.颤声歌唱:用颤音、连续音等歌唱的行为或事例
来源:Middle English werbelen 中古英语 werbelen from Old North French werbler 源自 古法国北方方言 werbler [of Germanic origin] [出于德语语源]
warble 2
An abscessed boillike swelling on the back of cattle, deer, and certain other animals, caused by the larva of a warble fly.动物背上的肿块:由一种牛皮下蝇幼虫引起的牛、鹿或其他某些特定动物的背上的脓肿The warble fly, especially in its larval stage.皮瘤蝇、皮瘤蝇幼虫:皮瘤蝇,尤指尚处于幼虫阶段的A hard lump of tissue on a riding horse`s back caused by rubbing of the saddle.马背上的硬瘤:由于马鞍摩擦引起的供骑乘的马的背部生出的硬瘤组织
来源:[Probably of Scandinavian origin] ; akin to obsolete Swedish varbulde [可能源于斯堪的那维亚语] ;类似于 已废瑞典语 varbulde