The waging of war against an enemy; armed conflict.战争:同敌方进行的战争;武装冲突Military operations marked by a specific characteristic:特殊战争:以某个特殊特点为标记的军事作战行为:例句:guerrilla warfare; chemical warfare.游击战;化学战
A state of disharmony or conflict; strife:冲突:不和谐;竞争:例句:constant spousal warfare in the household.家庭内无休止的夫妻争吵
Acts undertaken to destroy or undermine the strength of another:斗争:为摧毁或削弱他人力量而从事的行动:例句:political warfare.攻治攻击
来源:Middle English 中古英语 warre [war] * see war warre [战争] *参见 warfare [journey] from Old English faru from faran [to journey] * see fare fare [旅程] 源自 古英语 faru 源自 faran [旅行] *参见 fare