首页 - 英汉词典 - W字开头的单词或词组 - water shield

water shield

音标[ˈwɔ:tə ʃi:ld]


释义 莼菜(一种水生蔬菜);鱼草;  

water shield英语解释


aquatic plant with floating oval leaves and purple flowers; in lakes and slow-moving streams; suitable for aquariums

同义词:water-shieldBrasenia schreberiwater-target


common aquatic plant of eastern North America having floating and submerged leaves and white yellow-spotted flowers

同义词:water-shieldfanwortCabomba caroliniana


water shield例句

    Water shield
    Water shield
    Water shield
    Water Shield With Integrated Modular Sealing
    Analysis on Technical Difficulties of Super-long Underwater Shield-bored Tunnels with Large Cross-sections:Case Study on Shiziyang T...
    Phosphorus Mobilization at the Sediment–Water Interface in Softwater Shield Lakes: the Role of Organic Carbon and Metal Oxyhydroxides
    Evaluation of dose rate reduction in a spacecraft compartment due to additional water shield
    Fast Neutron Transport through Laminated Iron-Water Shield
    Studies on the beetle (Galerucella birmanica jacoby)--an insect pest of waterchestnut and watershield
    Validity assessment of shielding design tools for ITER through analysis of benchmark experiment on SS316/water shield conducted at F...
    Mucilage reduces leaf herbivory in Schreber’s watershield, Braseniaschreberi J.F. Gmel. (Cabombaceae)
    Transverse Response of Underwater Shield Tunnel to Incident P Waves
    Mucilage reduces leaf herbivory in Schreber's watershield, Brasenia schreberi J.F. Gmel

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